Wednesday, December 30, 2009


A new tool for communication, for the project ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI was since December 30, 2009 at the disposal of creators, artists. It is active communication network ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI hosted on the web at

One of the most obvious advantages that it offers ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI NETWORK is that artists, creators, will be able to interact effectively with all available tools to support web posting monthly thematic creations. In pararel can develop separate topics, discussions, etc., through the utilities available to them in the network.

Evolution of the project led naturally to the modern technical solution that will reinvigorate intercultural exchange of views on which it proposes ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI.

Welcome, all who become members of the ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI NETWORK !


Un nou intrument destinat comunicarii , destinat proiectului ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI se afla incepand din 30 decembrie 2009 la dispozitia creatorilor. Acesta este reteaua de comunicare ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XX I gazduita pe web la adresa

Unul dintre avantajele cele mai evidente pe care le ofera ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI NETWORK este faptul ca artistii, creatorii, vor putea interactiona eficient, avand la dispozitie toate instrumentele necesare postarii pe suportul web a creatiilor tematice lunare. In pararel vor putea dezvolta subiecte distinct , discutii , etc, prin intermediul utilitatilor aflate la dispozitia lor in retea. Evolutia proiectului a condus in mod natural catre aceasta solutie tehnica moderna care va dinamiza schimbul intercultural si de opinii pe care il propune ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI. Bun venit, tuturor celor care devin membri ai ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI NETWORK!